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  • Elmer Masters 3:38 pm on August 30, 2012 Permalink
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    Building ECR Topic Sites 

    Here are the steps for creating ECR Topic sites. This should be a pretty detailed outline of what needs to be done.

    • Remove block on topic name
      • most “top level” subject names are reserved by the system.
    • Create Classcaster blog
    • Set theme to eLangdell
    • Configure theme
    • Activate plugins
      • Anthologize
      • Audio Plugin
      • Bulk Slug and Description update
      • Category import
      • Easy stats
      • Hackadelic sliding notes
      • Improved simpler CSS
      • Login redirect
      • My link order
      • WordPress video plugin
    • Convert topic grid into text formatted for category import
    • Paste text into category import, test to make sure it lays out properly and then add categories
    • Add “Press this” tool to browser bookmark bar, rename to match topic
    • Open subject outline page on CALI website
    • Follow link to each Lesson and use “Press this” tool to add Lesson description to blog. Link each Lesson to the category it matches
    • For podcasts, use the short tag to embed a payer linked to the MP3.
    • Break eLangdell casebooks for subject into chapters in Word
    • Publish each chapter to blog from inside of Word linking to appropriate category
    • Use db to locate appropriate cases for inclusion.
  • Elmer Masters 7:13 pm on August 29, 2012 Permalink
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    Quick update to the website theme to add a slogan we’re trying on. Needed a bit of styling to fit in.

  • Elmer Masters 6:29 pm on August 29, 2012 Permalink
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    Adding a MIME type for .a2j files to the Classcaster network. That’s text/xml for those of you following along at home.

  • Elmer Masters 2:05 pm on August 29, 2012 Permalink
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    Correcting spelling errors in the CALI Courses module. Committing changes to git, pushing to GitHub, and cross committing to SVN. All because I can’t remember “i” before “e”…

  • Elmer Masters 8:54 pm on August 27, 2012 Permalink
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    MySQL server CPU usage fall off at point that LOWER() was removed from user.module

  • Elmer Masters 8:10 pm on August 27, 2012 Permalink
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    By removing the LOWER() functions from the validation routines in the core users.module, the system now uses the indexes on name and mail to check for uniques. The result is searches that run in the 10-20 millisecond range instead of 5-7 seconds. No more bottle neck. When dozens of bad registrations attempts happen at once the system just plows right through. It can handle upwards of 750 queries per second right now

  • Elmer Masters 7:00 pm on August 27, 2012 Permalink
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    So, Drupal makes extensive use of the LOWER() function in MySQL. The problem is that LOWER() ignores any indexes on columns and iterates through each row looking for a match. This is a problem if your user table has >600K rows. The problem was under discussion several years ago (see: http://drupal.org/node/181625; and this: http://drupal.org/node/83738; and is ultimately ignored at http://drupal.org/node/279851) but no solution was put in place for Drupal 6.
    That means I’ll need to hack core to get this in.

  • Elmer Masters 3:20 pm on August 27, 2012 Permalink
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    Back to chasing bugs http://www.cali.org. Seeing weird errors from member contacts detail pages. Database is not resetting as it should.

  • Elmer Masters 2:42 pm on August 27, 2012 Permalink
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    Creating project in Manymoon to deal with ECR websites.

  • Elmer Masters 4:11 pm on August 21, 2012 Permalink
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    Using PodPress on Classcaster 

    1: Activate PodPress
    2: Configure (needs more info)
    Creating posts
    1: Once media is ready, visit the media library and upload your media files for the podcast.
    2: Create a new post
    3: Get the URLs for the media, add them to the PodPress fields at the bottom of the new post form.
    4: Write the post.
    6: Rinse and repeat.

    Pretty straight forward actually.

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