Here’s the fastcase-opinions WordPress plugin on Github: You’ll need your own Fastcase API key.
Tagged: Wordpress Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
This quick screencast shows a court opinion being published directly to a WordPress blog using the Fastcase API. Coming very soon to Classcaster.
Elmer Masters
White Labeling Your WordPress Site: The Complete Guide – WPMU DEV. – Worth looking itno for our WordPress sites including Classcaster and Lawbooks
Elmer Masters
Now supercharging #Classcaster with AWS CloudFront CDN.
Elmer Masters
Checking Classcaster plugins to make sure everything is working on the new platform
Elmer Masters
Now putting together some higher level caching for Classcaster that should help with boosting performance.
Elmer Masters
It appears that the public facing part of Classcaster is running. I’m still working a few issues on the backend but I’m pleased with the progress.
Elmer Masters
Using rsync to replicate WP data sore. Faster than the snapshot, which is still running.
Elmer Masters
Learned something new: the initial snapshot of an EBS volume takes a lllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg time. Looking at alternatives to putting this work on hold for up to 36 hours.
I do have good backups. -
Elmer Masters
Classcaster DNS is on Route 53 already. This is a good thing.