Moving databases is a relatively slow process. It just takes as long as it takes.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Discovered that the MySQL slave is missing data on a few Classcaster blogs. When I populated the new db with the data from the slave, some blogs “disappeared”. Going back now and pulling data from master db to restore 3 blogs.
Elmer Masters
Learned about GROUP_CONCAT() in mysql. Seems like it could be useful for pulling together multiple values of the same fields, rows in a single table. See Drupal’s profiel_values for an example. The SEPARATOR option is useful.
Elmer Masters
Some helpful MySQL commands:
mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=’’, MASTER_USER=’a-user’, MASTER_PASSWORD=’password’, MASTER_LOG_FILE=’mysql-bin.000000′, MASTER_LOG_POS=’742507236′;
Elmer Masters
Issues with MySQL slave may require a complete rebuild to get replication back in sync. That will eat up a lot of a weekend at this point. Should be able to do it with little production downtime though.
Elmer Masters
Doing cleanup on the MySQL Slave after the mess of last month. I learned that “slave-skip-errors = 1062” is your friend when resetting a slave that has gotten out of sync with its master.