Moved the eLangdell bookstore and the forthcoming eLangdell Course Resources sites to new homes. Same URLs, just more spacious servers.
Updates from December, 2012 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Doing some sys admin housekeeping this AM. Silently moving things around on the backend to hopefully increase performance on the front end.
Elmer Masters
To answer the last question, no, the D7 Commons beta is still a bit rough around the edges so I’m not going to use it for the new A2J Community site.
Elmer Masters
Taking a close look at the Drupal Commons 7 beta. Is it ready to use (or close enough)?
Elmer Masters
Little of time back with pressbooks. Working on getting the first of the eLangdell books into the site. When done we’ll have a website for each of our books.
Elmer Masters
I’m going to refresh my code from the master on Github, make sure everything still works, merge my login stuff into the CAJA master, then check out a copy onto the server
Elmer Masters
Working on CAJA this AM. I’ve got the code so that it users Drupal for logins, then checks the CAJA table creating a user if necessary, then creates a user folder if necessary, properly stuffs things into the CAJA db, sets the variables and then lets the use make and save and load interviews.
Elmer Masters
Running up an instance of the PressBooks plugin for WordPress. Elangdell books become websites.
Elmer Masters
Working: login with Drupal account, add to CAJA db. This way we can use the local CAJA db for perms and settings.
Elmer Masters
Working on CAJA. Connecting to Drupal for basic login is working. Need to write code for some basic user management though.