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  • Elmer Masters 6:57 pm on February 4, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , git,   

    Creating a remote repo for the OCM Drupal code.

    1. Create a blank central repo on the dev server: git init --bare ocm.git
    2. Locally, make sure that the Drupal is controlled by git. Do git init if necessary.
    3. Do git add * and git commit -m "initial commit" to get the base code into git.
    4. Add a remote to your local repo with git remote add ocm-dev path/to/your/central/git/repo
    5. Create and checkout a development branch on your local machine with git checkout -b develop
    6. Push the new branch to the remote with git push ocm-dev develop
    7. Deploy the code to the webserver with git clone --branch develop path/to/your/central/git/repo ocm-dev

    Based on information gleaned from Building a Drupal site with Git at https://www.drupal.org/node/803746

  • Elmer Masters 6:37 pm on February 4, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , git,   

    Up next: remote git repo for the OCM Drupal code base.

  • Elmer Masters 7:11 pm on October 17, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: git,   

    Cool thing about Git is that I can totally change the layout of a repo and it just goes with it. Redoing the FLR repo so I can include all of the code, allowing for a complete cloning of the site. https://github.com/emasters/Free-Law-Reporter

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