Quick screenshot of the download part of the results section of a webform. Notice the options here. THis makes it a good choice for surveys too.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
USing the Drupal Webform module to create an order form for the 2013-14 DVD. I had forgotten how well this module works. IT does what it says it does with a minuimum of fuss. If you need a simple form to get some info from vivsitors, you can’t beat it.
Elmer Masters
Here’s what I’ve got so far: (note we don’t have all the cases, just most of them)
- Property law – 1737 cases
- Contracts – 2437 cases
- Criminal law – 2281 cases
- Constitutional law – 1471 cases
- Criminal procedure – 929 cases
- Civil procedure – 1300 cases
- Torts – 1469 cases
Working now on processing these to get the topics into teh metadata of the cases. Then feeding to Solr.
Elmer Masters
Back into cases. I have a spreadsheet that assigns a CALI Topic(s) (Torts, Property, Civ Pro, Contracts, Crim Law, Crim Pro) to each of several thousand cases. The high level topic selection is based on common knowledge and use in legal education.
Next trick is take the spreadsheet, get it into a db and match the topics to existing cases (in HTML already) and then generate lists of cases by CALI Topic. -
Elmer Masters
Notes on using Do.com
- Everyone should set default group to CALI. This is important for things like using the widget from the Gmail web client and sending email to the system
- It seems like the widget is not seeing the projects on Do.com. This can lead to errors like duplicate projects. I need to look into this.
- Looking into doing something like forwarding webmaster email to Do as a way to provide some tracking on things.