It’s Alive! is now running the new Drupal 7. There are still plenty of kinks to iron out, but students can log in and run Lessons. And everyone can get free ebooks.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Making one last run through open cases to make sure everything is covered.
Elmer Masters
More shifting of databases and code review. Not very glamorous, but it is vital.
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
A little lunch break. Cloud will be processing stuff whilst we’re away.
Elmer Masters
Here’s a screenshot of the new Lesson author layout. This is how authors are shown on each Lesson page.
Elmer Masters
BTW, the D6 version of is still serving data, but the interactivity is turned off. This way we don’t need to display one of those under construction GIFs for several hours.
Elmer Masters
Once the user migration is done the ball is back in our court. We’ll be doing a general check of those new users and a couple other things and then copying the staging database.
Elmer Masters
First part of user migration is done. 441 users added. Now moving on to organic groups migration to get all of those folks assigned to their schools and cohorts.
Elmer Masters
MC is proceeding with final run of user migration to get all the new users since last week. Dan has kicked off the copy of the LessonRun table from the D6 db to the D7 production db.