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  • Elmer Masters 3:51 pm on November 16, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: , imports, , PressBooks   

    Notes on importing eLangdell into Lawbooks

    Trying 3 different file formats: HTML, EPUB, DOCX.
    The big question is which format requires the least amount of work to get into a well structured Pressbook.

    • HTML is the source doc from BB Ebooks. It’s a single file with basic styling and images. It imports as a single chapter into Pressbooks. Images and internal links are working, but it would take significant work to break it into chapters.
    • EPUB is the file generated by BB Ebooks. It imports as multiple chapters, all are named the same. Internal inks do not work.Footnotes do not work. Tables work. Images work. Significant would need to be done to get int oa proper Pressbooks format including renaming chapters, fixing internal links. Some of this could be done rather quickly by editing the EPUB in Sigil prior to importing.
    • DOCX is our original Word file updated to the latest Word file version. It imports as a single chapter into Pressbooks. Images and internal links are working. Formatting is a mess. Styles and colors are off. Layout is questionable. It might be possible to sort some of this out in the original Word file prior to import, but it would take a lot.

    My initial take is that EPUB is going to be the best format for importing, though it may be possible to work with the raw HTML as an alternative. The Word doc is not remotely ready for importing.

  • Elmer Masters 7:54 pm on December 20, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: , PressBooks,   

    Little of time back with pressbooks. Working on getting the first of the eLangdell books into the site. When done we’ll have a website for each of our books.

  • Elmer Masters 12:00 am on December 20, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: , PressBooks,   

    Running up an instance of the PressBooks plugin for WordPress. Elangdell books become websites.

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