With basics set for parsing the 10KCB cases, I’ll be spending some time digging through log files ot see where the parser is broken.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Back to case processing. First some notes about where I appear to be.
- Start in Dropbox/Projects/10KCasebook
- adopting FC stuff from PRO
- For state cases, getting cites, parties right. Still issues with courts, docket numbers, dates
- For Fed cases, getting it all right
Elmer Masters
Looking for a new audio plugin to use with Classcaster. A big hurdle seems to be that in Firefox flash blocking add-ons break some of the plugins.
Elmer Masters
Got the A2J stuff done. Now on account creation first and last name info is pulled from Drupal into A2J.
Elmer Masters
Learned about GROUP_CONCAT() in mysql. Seems like it could be useful for pulling together multiple values of the same fields, rows in a single table. See Drupal’s profiel_values for an example. The SEPARATOR option is useful.
Elmer Masters
Into some A2J stuff this afternoon. Building names from Drupal profile fields.