As part of the eLangdell download verify project I needed to get the the book title and pass it to the embedded form that’s being generated by JavaScript on the book page. I did this using drupal_get_title()
to set a variable in PHP and then padding that to js as part of the Drupal settings array. Getting here took a bit of trial and error, but this approach works well.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Sometimes you just need a little hack. More importantly, what if you fix a problem in a Drupal module but the developer has been MIA for a couple of years?
Elmer Masters
Fast web server & app server, Ruby Python Node.js – Phusion Passenger. – Used to deploy Ruby apps like Hydratext.
Elmer Masters
Lessons run through D7 dev site are now recording access in LessonRun table in db. FTW. Now need to rework some of the Lesson JQ code to fit the dev environment.
Elmer Masters
looking over user records with an eye toward deleting many spam accounts as part of the migration to Drupal 7.
Elmer Masters
moving CAJA dev work to new server. Move necessitated by need for newer version of PHP than older version of Centos can handle.
Elmer Masters
Setting up the development environment for the next generation CALI Drupal 7 system. Using Github for code control and documentation. Got a server in cloud we can develop on without breaking stuff.