Fun fact: live blogging on Classcaster still works.
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Elmer Masters
CALI Admin
HI. This is a post on the new server. Hurray!
Elmer Masters
On tap for tomorrow: new code for LTL, fun on Clascaster, and verified downloads for eLangdell Bookstore.
Elmer Masters
This quick screencast shows a court opinion being published directly to a WordPress blog using the Fastcase API. Coming very soon to Classcaster.
CALI Admin
What if every Classcaster site was an app? Reactor: a WordPress mobile app builder by AppPresser.
Elmer Masters
White Labeling Your WordPress Site: The Complete Guide – WPMU DEV. – Worth looking itno for our WordPress sites including Classcaster and Lawbooks
Elmer Masters
On the Classcaster front, still battling the WordPress admin attack. It comes in waves and appears hard to defeat. I’ve taken a number of precautions but the attacks are still making Classcaster a bit unstable.
Elmer Masters
Fixed the domain mapping bug. Because of cookie changes related to caching and the CDN I needed to tell domain mapping to route logins through the version of the site instead of the mapped domain.
Elmer Masters
Ugh, a bug! looks like Classcaster sites using custom domains are having issues with logins. If you login at and then go the blog’s dashboard, that works. I smell bad cookies in the cache.
Elmer Masters
Discovered that the MySQL slave is missing data on a few Classcaster blogs. When I populated the new db with the data from the slave, some blogs “disappeared”. Going back now and pulling data from master db to restore 3 blogs.