Here’s the fastcase-opinions WordPress plugin on Github: You’ll need your own Fastcase API key.
Tagged: plugin Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
This quick screencast shows a court opinion being published directly to a WordPress blog using the Fastcase API. Coming very soon to Classcaster.
Elmer Masters
Looking for a new audio plugin to use with Classcaster. A big hurdle seems to be that in Firefox flash blocking add-ons break some of the plugins.
Elmer Masters
Renamed the files and got all the styling to where I can live with it. Uploaded to Classcaster, activated it site wide. Now everyone on Classcaster can use the [lessonview] short code to add Lessons to Classcaster blogs. See a sample at
Elmer Masters
Need to find a plugin for WordPress that will unpublish a post on a schedule. Like the publish at a certain time feature in reverse.
Fix the Lesson View plugin to work for AutoPublish.
Change language on the Lesson detail page to make the Windows/Mac link about downloading and modifying.
Elmer Masters
Tweaked NS Cloner plugin to copy media library files to the newly cloned site. Also reduced the privileges needed to create a clone so that anyone with the right role could do it. Puts me on the path for that big red “Clone Me!” button that we need.
Elmer Masters
Working on cloning for Classcaster and ECR sites. Goal is to allow privileged members the ability to make a complete clone of a site.
A new plugin, NS Cloner, was released today that promises to make this process easier. It gives the network admin the ability to clone any site. It does an excellent job, but it ignores media files. To copy existing media files from parent to clone is straight forward. The plugin already handles all of the reference to the media files. -
Elmer Masters
Now that the Twitter Tools thing looks solved, I think I may look into forking that code and starting a new plugin project to keep the TT feature set alive since the current developer is apparently going to abandon it.
Elmer Masters
OK, it looks like TT 2.4 posts to Twitter when I create a new entry here. It only retreives tweets not generated from this site. That makes sense because If I’m on the blog, I don’t need to see tweets for blog posts.
Elmer Masters
Seems like TT will post to Twitter OK, but is having no luck retrieving tweets for the widget.