Setting up the development environment for the next generation CALI Drupal 7 system. Using Github for code control and documentation. Got a server in cloud we can develop on without breaking stuff.
Updates from May, 2013 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Fixed the domain mapping bug. Because of cookie changes related to caching and the CDN I needed to tell domain mapping to route logins through the version of the site instead of the mapped domain.
Elmer Masters
Ugh, a bug! looks like Classcaster sites using custom domains are having issues with logins. If you login at and then go the blog’s dashboard, that works. I smell bad cookies in the cache.
Elmer Masters
Discovered that the MySQL slave is missing data on a few Classcaster blogs. When I populated the new db with the data from the slave, some blogs “disappeared”. Going back now and pulling data from master db to restore 3 blogs.
Elmer Masters
This is to test how the caching and CDN population is working. This pic should end up in CloudFront automatically.
EDIT – It did work. New additions to the media library on this blog go to the CDN. Nice. -
Elmer Masters
It may be me but this blog now seems pretty quick with all of the CDN and caching going on.
Elmer Masters
#ProTip: Spelling the domain name correctly is essential to the success of a CDN setup.
Elmer Masters
Now supercharging #Classcaster with AWS CloudFront CDN.
Elmer Masters
An Edev Podcast: #Classcaster Phone2Blog Is Still Working!
The review of Classcaster plugins is now complete. I’m certainly glad the phone it in feature still works.
Click here to download the Classcaster
audio.Play It Now!
Elmer Masters
Checking Classcaster plugins to make sure everything is working on the new platform