As part of the eLangdell download verify project I needed to get the the book title and pass it to the embedded form that’s being generated by JavaScript on the book page. I did this using drupal_get_title()
to set a variable in PHP and then padding that to js as part of the Drupal settings array. Getting here took a bit of trial and error, but this approach works well.
Tagged: Javascript Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Over the weekend tried 3 different iteration of the CALI Reader. None was terribly satisfying. Looking more and more like the only really answer is to actually turn the EPUBs into real websites.
Elmer Masters
Using Phonegap means programming in Javascript for real. Nothing happens unles JS says so. For example buttob display requires setting an id and then showing the id. It isn’t just about HTML.