Got past the login problems. Seems I typed the password incorrectly in the instructions.
Once that was fixed everyone was able to login and run Lessons, save scores, resume Lessons, print certificates, and so on. Test was a success.
Updates from October, 2013 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Just frustrating. No one can login?
Elmer Masters
OK. Complete is working. It is now to possible to completely run a regular CALI Lesson in Drupal 7. Turning it over to the staff for testing.
Elmer Masters
Resuming of saved Lessons works now. Still not setting the completion flag the way it should. Looking into that.
Elmer Masters
Some issue with retrieving the saved score for loading back into the Lesson viewer.
Elmer Masters
Got the printable score certificate done. Working on resuming a Lesson. Noted that completion flag is not getting set properly.
Elmer Masters
Score details working. On to the printable Lesson certificate. This will take a bit as I need to rewrite the various queries.
Should probably be added to the module itself. -
Elmer Masters
Now working on displaying the details of a saved score. For first pass will replicate existing features.
Elmer Masters
Note to self: Make sure there are actual scores to view before trying to troubleshot why scores aren’t showing on the page.
Elmer Masters
Fixed some of the query issues. The “query builder” I need to use to get the data for the MLR page is not well documented.