And #YouTube is having issues, being real slow and not allowing additional editing. All of the replacement videos are uploaded and the #CALIcon13 website is up to date. Video will show up sooner or later.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Grinding through the encoding of CALIcon13 video. Just 2 more to go, then uploading to YouTube, replace originals, edit session pages on CALIcon13 website.
Elmer Masters
As of right now it looks like the encoding and uploading of the session videos will finish tomorrow. I’ll then add the new YouTube video links to the session pages on the website.
Elmer Masters
Working with the video from CALIcon13. Generally everything went well, but we had a few streaming issues during the first track on Thursday morning. I’m encoding the raw video and replacing the incomplete recordings that are on YouTube. Once done all of the recordings on YouTube will be complete.