Fixed the domain mapping bug. Because of cookie changes related to caching and the CDN I needed to tell domain mapping to route logins through the version of the site instead of the mapped domain.
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Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
Ugh, a bug! looks like Classcaster sites using custom domains are having issues with logins. If you login at and then go the blog’s dashboard, that works. I smell bad cookies in the cache.
Elmer Masters
So, there was an issue. As near as I can tell, one of the files that is part of the ctools module failed to copy properly to the production server. This error was propagated to the other web nodes and the entire site went offline due to a PHP error caused by the corrupt file. It took me about 20 minutes to locate the cause and replace the entire module. All is well again.
Elmer Masters
Dred Scott issue solved. The file weighs in at 750k. The simple_html_dom.php library I’m using had MAX_FILE_SIZE set to 600k. I pushed that to 10Mb just to be on the safe side. That did the trick.
Elmer Masters
Correcting spelling errors in the CALI Courses module. Committing changes to git, pushing to GitHub, and cross committing to SVN. All because I can’t remember “i” before “e”…
Elmer Masters
Elmer Masters
By removing the LOWER() functions from the validation routines in the core users.module, the system now uses the indexes on name and mail to check for uniques. The result is searches that run in the 10-20 millisecond range instead of 5-7 seconds. No more bottle neck. When dozens of bad registrations attempts happen at once the system just plows right through. It can handle upwards of 750 queries per second right now
Elmer Masters
So, Drupal makes extensive use of the LOWER() function in MySQL. The problem is that LOWER() ignores any indexes on columns and iterates through each row looking for a match. This is a problem if your user table has >600K rows. The problem was under discussion several years ago (see:; and this:; and is ultimately ignored at but no solution was put in place for Drupal 6.
That means I’ll need to hack core to get this in. -
Elmer Masters
Back to chasing bugs Seeing weird errors from member contacts detail pages. Database is not resetting as it should.